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Alien Lab Disposable | Alien Labs | Alien Labs Disposables
The concept of the 'Greys' as a 'flesh-and-blood' complement to the metallic UFO is associated with the Roswell UFO event (July 1947) but that aspect only surfaced over thirty years later. The Roswell event, with or without 'Greys' had been buried and forgotten until resurrected in the early 1980's. Meantime the 'Greys' came to the fore independently with the UFO abduction phenomena that post-dated Roswell but pre-dated the renewal of the Roswell event as a major UFO case. Though IMHO Roswell is significant even without the Greys, the 'Greys' nevertheless remain a major facet of the modern UFO debate. Speaking of debates, what follows are extracts I had in debating a UFO ETH (ExtraTerrestrial Hypothesis) sceptic about the Greys. The story of the Roswell incident only resurfaced after just two days in the public eye (minus alien bodies) in July 1947 with the publication of "The Roswell Incident" by Charles Berlitz* & William Moo...
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